Looking for the Self

Looking for the Self

November 09, 2016

This 26 minute guided meditation led by Sam Harris is an exploration of your awareness – starting with the physical breath and your surroundings, then deepening into the idea of consciousness and self. This is an active meditative exercise with a lot of thought and exploration. 

Sam Harris is the author of five New York Times bestsellers, including The End of Faith, The Moral Landscape, Free Will, Waking Up, and Islam of the Future of Tolerance. His writing and public lectures cover a wide range of topics from neuroscience, moral philosophy, and spirituality, generally focusing on how a growing understanding of ourselves and the world is changing our sense of how we should live. He also hosts a popular podcast called Waking Up with Sam Harris.


Also in Guided Meditations

Intro to Breathing Meditation
Intro to Breathing Meditation

November 09, 2016

A comprehensive and easy to follow introduction to breath meditation by Sharon Salzberg. 3 mins.

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Be Curious and Kind
Be Curious and Kind

November 09, 2016

A simple and effective short meditation led by Kim Nichol, Silicon Valley meditation teacher. 5 mins.

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Deep Body Scan
Deep Body Scan

November 09, 2016

A deep body scan meditation for total relaxation to wind down an active and anxious mind. 1hr 11mins.

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